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Climb out of the Darkness Saskatoon Event!

Writer's picture: Janelle DakuJanelle Daku

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

Watch the CTV morning Live video here:

Dear Families of Saskatoon,

As you may or may not know, I am leading the Saskatoon area Climb out of the Darkness Event this year again!

It is the world’s largest event raising money for and awareness of Perinatal Mood Disorders. I dealt with postpartum depression and anxiety after having Novalee (I don't like to say 'suffer' because I battled through it). After having Novalee, I reached out and found the Postpartum Support International website and a community of new mothers.

Did you know that 1 in 5 new mothers will have some kind of perinatal mood disorder?

Did you know that this number has actually almost doubled since COVID-19, based on new research that is emerging?

Family Foundations Therapy is working hard to bring services to new mothers who are experiencing struggles during the transition to motherhood here in Saskatoon and Saskatchewan. These struggles can include infant feeding difficulties especially as it relates to tongue tie concerns and oral motor difficulties), infant development, maternal and infant mental health, etc.

Family Foundations Therapy is a Saskatoon private practice, who help empower mothers and families to embrace their new role in parenthood to be the best possible support for their baby, family and themselves by providing tools and strategies to address anxiety, stress and feelings of being overwhelmed so that they can embrace their new identity with ease and comfort while being present for their child and family.

Did you know that mothers are the most impacted by the pandemic due to childcare responsibilities, job losses, and lack of social support?

One specific service offer includes: Maternal Wellness Group: “Well-Being After Baby”. Topics addressed can include (but are not limited to): Matrescence, identity shift, grief related to losses of old identity, finding a 'new normal', sleep, resilience, mindfulness, guilt, boundary work, self-compassion, self-care, etc. The topics are decided based on the needs of the group. A topic is presented at the beginning of each group and the facilitator helps guide the conversation, but allows for a discussion to help normalize the postpartum experience. The group runs for 6 weeks.

There is also a group offer that focuses on mom connections and developmental education for infants! Here we explore specialized tummy time methods, attachment and bonding, intentional/responsive parenting, developmental milestones in all areas and exploration of the sensory system. Mommies: Expect to gain social and emotional support, positioning and handling techniques to improve development, activities to help integrate reflexive patterns and support for infants sensory motor skills!

Another specific offer is a breastfeeding support group/individual for infants with more complex oral motor needs/difficulties. These are the infants that could not ‘naturally’ figure out breastfeeding and have difficulty with endurance and milk transfer. Many of these babies have tethered oral tissues or other medical conditions.

We also want to highlight our chestfeeding support service for new parents in honor of Pride Month! There are many different terms that are used to describe the occupation of infant feeding, breastfeeding, nursing, and most recently chestfeeding. Chestfeeding is a term used that describes how parents of all identities feed and nourish their infant. It is most commonly used by the 2SLGBTQA community, since some individuals cannot relate to the term ‘breastfeeding’.

“The science behind the use of the term chestfeeding is not focused on human anatomy; it is the science of health communication, which requires using terms that are familiar and accepted by those being helped. Language is always evolving, in the breastfeeding and lactation world as elsewhere. Many of the terms used 20 or 30 years ago would be unfamiliar to parents today,”

- Joint statement from La Leche League Canada and La Leche League USA.

Chestfeeding is not only about health communication. Chestfeeding is about the science behind human connection. Whether you are a non-binary individual, a Trans feminine, a partner who wants to help his wife or a woman who is not capable of producing milk or lactating, what matters is that you understand importance of helping your infant feel safe, secure and comfortable.

One of the most important newborn and new caregiver tasks is early feeding. Not only does the task nourish the baby but it also promotes parent-infant bonding, self-regulation skills and early communication skills for the infant. Difficulties with infant feeding directly impact the mental health of both the caregiver and infant.

Family Foundations Therapy is also partnering with other professionals to develop a website that will be a “one stop shop” for mothers to find the support they need. We are currently in the process of bringing Postpartum Supports International to Canada

more information can also be found at:

Our event is Sunday June 26th LIVE and IN PERSON at 2pm!

It is the goal of Postpartum Support International to promote awareness, prevention and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in every country worldwide. Obviously, this is a cause that is important to me.

I am asking if you could please support me and my team with a donation.

Just go to the link and click donate! The donation is in USD, so please donate accordingly. There is also a section that states “Add Tip” and automatically puts a 15% tip (this is to help keep Causevox powered, as it has a 0% platform fee for causes), please adjust the tip accordingly as well.

And of course if you guys would like to join us, we would love to have you there!!

There will be a short meditation session, a walk, along with discussion and opportunities to connect with local services that support new families. There will be a chance to share our collective experience as parents.

This event is for YOU, the parents of Saskatoon's future!

The event can be found on the Climb out of the Darkness Saskatoon page or here:

If you would like to JOIN the Saskatoon TEAM please email us!! The more the merrier! Tasks are simple and often do not take up much time or effort.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me at

Thank you in advance! Hope to see you all soon.

Ever grateful, Janelle and Novalee


© Family Foundations Therapy

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