Breastfeeding Therapy
Tethered Oral Tissues
Infant Feeding

Motor control
Sensory modulation
Adaptive coping
Sensorimotor development
Social-emotional development
Daily living skills
Mother-infant bonding
Feeding (breastfeeding and introduction to solids)
Infant massage
body work
Become confident and competent in the co-occupation of feeding!
As an Occupational Therapist, Body Work Specialist, Certified Breastfeeding Specialist, Tethered Oral Tissue Specialist, Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist, and Oral Motor Therapist our Lead Occupational Therapist is competent and skilled to help address complex feeding issues and concerns.

**Equivalent training to a IBCLC!**

It may be beneficial to connect with us if:
You are curious about infant development
You are struggling to breastfeed
You have been concerned about a potential tongue tie impacting function
Your baby has been diagnosed with a tongue tie and would like to investigate your options
You heard about the importance of pre -therapy and post therapy for a tongue tie release
Your baby has had a Frenotomy and requires after care and therapy

Infancy, Colic, Torticollis, Breastfeeding Issues, Tongue Tie, Plagiocephaly:
Newborn infants often cry, it is a normal natural response to indicate to their caregiver that they require assistance of some kind (hunger cue, discomfort cue, sleepiness). Crying is a healthy response for an infant as it aids in healthy development such as increasing lung strength, decompressing cranial bones and increasing social interactional skills. The infant's body is in the process of adapting to life outside of the womb. Infants are extremely sensitive to changes in the environment due to their immature systems. Although crying is a normal natural occurrence for newborns, some can be described as “colic” and cry for long hours without being able to be consoled. These infants appear irritable, likely have reflux concerns, do not sleep as much as other infants and have issues of gassiness and constipation (Hayden, 2008). Both colic behaviors and plagiocephaly (co-occurring and individually) are commonly seen in infants by health care professionals.
It is important to highlight that the birthing process is a very stressful event for an infant. There are some infants that experience an increase in stress due to a traumatic birthing process (Hayden, 2008). The infant has to undergo forces of twisting and turning, adding prolonged labor and complications put massive stress on the infant's body (Hayden, 2008). Before labor begins pressures and molding forces are already beginning in preparation for birth, this is evident in infants being born of cesarean sections (as it is obvious compressive forces have occured based on the head shape) (Sergueef, 2007). These compressive forces can be described as a result of the infant's head pushing against the cervix during dilation and contractions (Sergueef, 2007). As the infant descends into the birth canal, with water intact, the head endures compressive forces and if the water is broken these forces are even greater (Sergueef, 2007). It is important to understand that when an infant is in a breech or abnormal position the body suffers compression forces in that position which increases the likelihood of a more traumatic birthing process (Sergueef, 2007). Furthermore, obstetric instruments (forceps, vacuum) impact the infant's head, which likely impact the neck and shoulders as well (Sergueef, 2007).
A traumatic birthing process is also impacted by a mothers emotional state during the birth process. If a mother is irritable and unsettled due to a difficult pregnancy and/or birthing process the baby will likely be unsettled and irritable as well. Not only does the mothers emotional state impact the process but the symmetry of the pelvis and how flexible the pelvis is will impact the process (Sergueef, 2007). A history of falls, accidents or surgeries that affect the pelvis will influence the birthing process.
Unresolved compressive forces can result in future health issues (Sergueef, 2007). The infant may naturally resolve some of the compressive forces endured from the birthing process as the body grows (Sergueef, 2007). Some of the compressive forces may remain and can affect normal structural and functional development, compressing nerves and affecting normal system's function of the newborns (Sergueef, 2007). Asymmetries may be small and carried into childhood and adulthood, when left untreated (Sergueef, 2007). The gravitational and positional influences (for example the “back to sleep” initiative to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) can further influence asymmetries (Aregenta et al., 1996). In infancy, growth is proportionately the greatest and can exacerbate asymmetries and thus it is more beneficial to address any problems sooner rather than in later life (Sergueef, 2007). These unresolved forces can impact more than just the symmetry of the body. For example, breastfeeding issues (latching, milk extraction) are almost always experienced when asymmetries exist. Digestive issues, such as, colic, constipation, gas, GER and/or reflux as well as irritability, sleeping disturbances, congenital torticollis, shoulder injury (i.e. dystocia), plagiocephaly and/or asymmetrical head rounding (Sergueef, 2007). Furthermore, when a tongue tie is present breastfeeding is even more impacted due to the decreased range of motion from the restricted lingual frenulum. The restriction of tongue tie is not just within the oral cavity, it impacts the whole entire body because the tongue has many connections to different areas of the body. Thus, when addressing tongue tie concerns one must also address the entire body. The unresolved compressive issues may lead to childhood issues such as ear infections, behavioral issues, hyperactivity, sinus problems, learning difficulties, dyslexia and much more impairments (Sergueef, 2007).
Certified Breastfeeding Specialist CBS® : Completed the 95+ hour Lactation Consulting training Program (LCTP) through LER; currently pursing pathway 1 Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)
Beckman Oral Motor® Certified
Peditric Osteopathy: Cranial Techniques & Advanced Treatment Protocols
Infant and Prenatal CST Protocols and Techniques
TOTS Training® through Chrysalis Orofacial
Pre and Post Frenectomy Oral Motor and Full Body Therapy (with Michelle Emanuel)
Frenectomy Wound Care
Pursing completion of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Certification (COMT: Certified Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist through Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy {AOMT}
Tongue Ties, Breastfeeding, and the Lactation Savvy Therapist: Lactation OT
Occupational Therapy and the Breastfeeding Dyad: Lactation OT
Oral Motor Therapy for Infants: Lactation OT
Failure to Thrive, Suboptimal Weight Gain, and the Lactation Savvy Therapist: Lactation OT
Dysphagia & The Breastfed Infant: Lactation OT
Tube to breast: Navigating the Transition from Enteral Feeding to Breastfeeding: Lactation OT
Evidence-Based Examination and Treatment of Congenital Muscular Torticollis: Looking Beyond the Neck for Better Results